
How to Win Writing Competitions For Scholarships

By Scott Fish on 19 October 23 Blog

Writing Competition Classes

Understanding the Basics

Gearing up for a journey in educational enrichment and striving for academic success can be a critical step in every student’s academic journey, and diving into a Writing Competition Class can be a significant leap in that direction. An exploration of creativity and a spirit of competitiveness are commonly known elements of such classes, but the scope goes beyond that. Distinctly different from the conventional academic setup, these classes provide an intellectual playground where students cultivate their writing prowess, dive deep into their imaginations, and sharpen their critical thinking skills.

The essence of these classes lies in educating students about the dynamics of various writing genres, helping them find their unique voice, and bolstering their confidence to showcase their talent successfully. Through individualized practice and discipline, they also unveil the joy of self-expression and the thrill of engaging in a competitive academic environment.

The Importance of Writing Competitions

Writing competitions play a pivotal role in educational enrichment. These contests push students to channel their unique perspectives, voice their beliefs, and weave words into meaningful narratives, therefore offering an excellent platform to exhibit critical thinking skills and creativity.

Enrolling in competitions increases students’ overall engagement in academic learning. It motivates them to develop their writing proficiency and provides them a sense of accomplishment. It instills a spirit of healthy competition, encouraging students to strive for excellence and continuously improve their skills.

Moreover, victories in such competitions not only add accolades to students’ achievements but also distinguish them in college applications. Top-rated universities emphasize the importance of clear communication and writing proficiency, making such accomplishments a testament to students’ potential. For instance, gaining recognition in the national competition Math Olympiads run by the A+ Program by ASC, sets students apart and demonstrates their critical thinking skills.

Overview of the Course Structure

An integral part of our Writing Competition Class includes a comprehensive understanding of the various writing genres. Whether it’s poetry, short stories, personal narratives, or expository writing, a crucial aspect of mastering the art of writing is the ability to juggle different styles and choose the most suitable one for the task at hand.

Our classes also focus on helping students make well-informed decisions about the competitions they should target. Close guidance is provided to ensure punctuality and quality of their submissions. In addition, our course incorporates teaching of critical life skills like goal-setting and time management, providing a holistic educational experience.

The class sessions are scheduled at regular intervals, creating a consistent learning environment that aids in disciplined practice. Both online and offline modes of classes are offered, providing flexibility to the learners. We also ensure personalized attention to each student, catering to individual learning needs and helping them navigate their academic journey effectively.

Benefits of Enrolling in a Writing Competition Class

Investing in a Writing Competition Class provides a plethora of benefits beyond the obvious improvement in writing skills. Firstly, it introduces students to the joy of achieving through effort. The entire process of crafting, revising, and putting forth their best work for judgement imparts valuable life lessons, resilience to criticism, and the thrill of competition.

The regularity of these classes and the tight deadlines help students imbibe crucial time management skills. They inspire students to consistently push their boundaries, nurturing creativity, improving problem-solving abilities, and laying a solid foundation for their future professional lives.

Lastly, it prepares them for the rigors of advanced academic pursuits. Courses such as the SAT class and TOEFL classes, demand a high level of writing proficiency. Developing these skills early on equips students with the necessary tools to excel in such challenging endeavors.

Developing the Right Mindset

Building a Writing Routine

To accel at Writing Competition classes, cultivating a steady writing routine is essential. A consistent writing habit fosters discipline, enhances creativity, and improves writing speed. It’s not about writing a lot at once, it’s more about writing a little every day. Committing even just 15 minutes daily to writing can produce significant improvement over time.

Start by setting attainable goals. One might aim to write for a set amount of time each day, or to complete a specific number of pages. Both approaches can be effective, depending on your personal style. The important thing is to establish a routine that feels achievable and sustainable. Develop a routine that aligns with your peak productivity hours, be it morning, afternoon, or evening.

One practical tip for solidifying your routine is to keep a writing journal. Document progress, jot down ideas, and note any challenges you experience. This practice can offer valuable insights into your writing process, helping you to refine your routine over time.

Overcoming Writer’s Block

Writer’s block, a term for a mental state where a writer cannot produce new work, is an almost inevitable challenge for students learning how to accel at Writing Competition classes. But it need not be a permanent condition. Techniques on how to get a 1600 on the SAT can be employed to conquer writer’s block too.

Firstly, don’t pressure yourself to write perfectly the first time. Remember that every written piece undergoes several revisions before its final version. Write freely, allowing your ideas to flow without restricting them to specific standards. It might not be the perfect copy, but it will act as a starting point.

Secondly, engage in activities that inspire creativity. Go for walks, listen to music, or read your favorite book. Sometimes, stepping away from your writing can be the most effective way to overcome a block.

Lastly, consider discussing your writing with others. Hearing different perspectives on your work can often spark fresh ideas and reignite your creativity.

Boosting Self-Confidence

Confidence is a vital trait in any public speaking classes near me. And it’s equally crucial to writers looking to accel at Writing Competition classes. Building self-confidence in your writing requires practice, patience, and an understanding that every writer, whether professional or beginner, faces doubt and criticism.

One way to boost your self-confidence is to share your work. Writing is a personal endeavor, making it daunting to share with others; however, this step is crucial to developing confidence. You can share your work in a secure and supportive environment, such as your sat class, where constructive feedback will help you grow as a writer.

Maintaining a record of your achievements, including participating in contests, completing challenging assignments, or receiving positive feedback, can further bolster confidence. When doubts arise, looking back at these successes can provide a much-needed confidence boost.

Handling Constructive Criticism

Constructive criticism is a valuable tool for both improving writing skills and fostering personal development. It should be perceived as an opportunity to learn and grow, rather than a personal attack or failure.

When receiving criticism, maintain an open mind and consider the feedback from the critic’s perspective. Though initially uncomfortable, objective examination of your work accelerates growth and enhances writing skills. Similarly, when giving criticism, ensure it’s constructive and respectful. Offering balanced feedback, covering both the strengths and areas for improvement, fosters a positive environment for learning and development.

Learning how to appropriately give and receive criticism is crucial to your academic journey, not just in how to accel at Writing Competition classes. Embrace constructive criticism as part of your path to grow and perfect your craft.

Improving Writing Skills

Grammar and Punctuation

Mastering the fundamentals of grammar and punctuation is a cornerstone of excellent writing. These essential tools aid in conveying clear and precise ideas, capturing the reader’s interest and ensuring comprehension.

  • Grammar provides a framework that structures our thoughts and ideas into understandable sentences and paragraphs. Proper grammar application brings coherency to ideas, fostering effective communication.
  • Punctuation, on the other hand, guides the reader through the text, indicating pauses, separations, and other tonal subtleties. By understanding how to utilize punctuation, writers can master the flow and rhythm of their prose to shape a reader’s experience.

Here at ASC, our Writing Competition Classes strive to instill solid grammatical knowledge within our students. This objective is pursued through rigorous exercises, consistent practice, and immediate, personalized feedback. By ensuring a strong grammatical foundation, students will meet the demands of advanced writing tasks, including the requirements of various writing competitions.

Expanding Vocabulary

The depth and breadth of a writer’s vocabulary significantly influence their efficacy in expression. A robust vocabulary allows for the precise conveyance of ideas and emotions and enriches the sensory experience for readers. This is particularly valuable when crafting pieces for writing competitions, where the ability to vividly conjure complex scenarios and affective moments sets submissions apart.

Finding and using the exact, apt word can instill a sense of sophistication and command in writing. Pairing this with varied sentence structures can create a dynamic and engaging piece. We at ASC, encourage reading across various genres, maintaining a curiosity about words, and utilizing resources such as writing workshops in Boston to enhance vocabulary.

Effective Storytelling

Narrative prowess is key in transforming an ordinary piece into an extraordinary one. Effective storytelling techniques engage reader’s interest, build emotional connections, and increase immersion in the writer’s world.

An engaging narrative requires a compelling plot, relatable characters, palpable settings, and an evocative tone. Moreover, possessing a thorough understanding of various narrative structures and storytelling elements is essential. Alongside these, developing an understanding of reader psychology can give writers an edge in crafting compelling stories.

Through ASC’s Writing Competition Classes, students learn and practice the art of storytelling. This course component encompasses both theoretical understanding and practical application. Here, students delve into the intricacies of plot development, character creation, setting description, and effective use of tone and mood.

Mastering Different Writing Styles

Writing is a versatile craft, with a multitude of styles and genres to explore. Becoming proficient in various writing styles — from informative expository pieces and influential argumentative works to vivid descriptive passages and engaging narrative stories — offers writers the flexibility to adapt to different writing scenarios and competitions.

Each style requires a unique approach and skillset. For instance, expository writing thrives on clarity, logical structuring, and comprehensive details. On the other hand, descriptive writing demands strong sensory language and precise details. Understanding the nuances of these styles enhances a writer’s toolkit, allowing them to approach any writing task with confidence.

In our Writing Competition Classes, students are guided through the peculiarities of different writing styles. They are provided with opportunities to practice and refine these styles and receive personalized feedback for improvement.

Aiming to excel at Writing Competition classes involves focusing on these key areas of competence. Such a comprehensive, structured approach ensures steady progress and definitive results in an individual’s academic journey.

Understanding the Competition Guidelines

Understanding the competition guidelines is the first and foremost step in the journey of excelling at writing competition classes. The guidelines provide a roadmap that navigates the context, structure, and expectations of your entries. From the allowable word counts and preferred writing styles to the deadlines for submissions, each guideline plays a crucial role in the crafting of a competitive entry.

  • Read thoroughly: Grasping the subtleties of the guidelines demands a meticulous reading. Consider each instruction and rule, no matter how insignificant it may seem, as it contributes to your comprehension of the competition expectations.
  • Clarify ambiguities: If anything in the guidelines appears ambiguous or challenging to understand, do not hesitate to seek clarification. The effort you invest in understanding the guidelines is directly proportional to the quality of your entry into the competition.
  • Comply meticulously: Strict adherence to the competition guidelines is not optional, it’s mandatory. Any variance, be it a missed deadline or an overshoot of the word count, may result in disqualification.

Researching Past Winners

Researching past winners serves as a practical means to observe and learn from successful entries. This approach facilitates an understanding of what the competition organizers favor and appreciate in submissions.

  • Study the winning entries: Analyze the style, structure, and narrative elements of the winning entries. Identify what sets them apart and how they resonated with the judges.
  • Understand the judges’ preferences: Often, feedback from the judges or critiques of the winning entries are available. These insights can illuminate what the judges are looking for and reward in the submissions.
  • Incorporate learnings into your work: Use your learnings from the research to inform and shape your writing without compromising your individuality and authentic voice.

Drafting and Revision Strategies

The drafting and revision phase is where your ideas take shape, and the narrative unfolds. It is an iterative process that refines your initial thoughts into a polished piece that resonates with your readers.

  • Embrace multiple drafts: Do not strive for perfection in the first draft. Allow room for the natural progression of thoughts. Each draft enhances the depth and coherence of your writing.
  • Be open to revisions: Writing is a creative process that flourishes with thoughtful revisions. Enhance clarity, eliminate redundancies, and fine-tune your language to best express your ideas.
  • Seek feedback: Constructive feedback is invaluable in the revision process. Share your drafts with peers, mentors, or the tutors at ASC for an objective critique.

Staying Authentic while Writing

Finding and maintaining your authentic voice presents you as a unique writer and sets your work apart in the competition. Authenticity enhances the relatability and impact of your narrative while allowing you to stay true to your own creative flair.

  • Be genuine: Authentic writing originates from genuine thoughts and feelings. Write from your experiences, perceptions, and imagination.
  • Avoid pretentious language: Sophisticated vocabulary or complex sentence structures are not indicators of authentic writing. Clarity and simplicity often create a stronger impact.
  • Stay true to your style: Your unique writing style is your signature. Do not feel compelled to emulate others. Your individuality enhances the appeal of your work.

To become a seasoned competitor in writing competitions, it will serve you well to join a writing competition course at ASC. The guidance from experienced mentors, the peer review process, and the structuring of your writing skills will equip you with all the necessary tools to excel in any writing competition.

Preparing for the Writing Competition

Writing competitions are an excellent platform for students to showcase their creativity and strengthen their writing skills. More importantly, they could be a notable accomplishment in your post-secondary applications and academic journey. Here, at ASC, the Writing Competition Course has been carefully designed to guide students on how to effectively participate and ultimately excel in writing competitions.

Choosing the Right Competition

Choosing the right competition is the first crucial step towards success. The many competitions available may confuse you. Do not be discouraged. Start by thoroughly researching the writing competition landscape but stick to those that best suit your writing style and interest.

  • Look for competitions that align with your strengths, whether it is poetry, short stories, essays, or opinion pieces.
  • Consider the competition’s reputation and previous winning entries. It gives you an idea of the standard and expectation.
  • Make sure you understand the competition rules and guidelines. Each competition has its unique rules, deadlines, and submission formats. Understanding these details can increase the chance of your work being accepted and thoroughly evaluated.

You should explore the A+ Program by ASC’s Writing Competition Course, a program that assists students in the navigation of each competition’s deadlines and applications, ensuring punctuality and quality in their submissions.

Planning Your Submission

Investing time in planning your submission is just as important as the writing itself. Without a clear plan, you may find yourself struggling to maintain a clear and coherent storyline. Effective planning also ensures that you manage your time well and comply with the competition’s deadline.

  • Begin by brainstorming ideas. Decide the theme or topic you want to explore in your writing.
  • Develop an outline for your submission. This will serve as a roadmap, helping you maintain focus and coherence throughout your writing.
  • Set a realistic timeline for completing your submission. Allocate sufficient time for drafting, revising, and proofreading.
  • Draw upon the resources offered at ASC, such as the state-of-the-art Writing Lab, which provides a myriad of resources for all stages of writing.

Coping with Nervousness

Feeling anxious about participating in a writing competition is normal. However, it’s critical to manage these feelings effectively so they don’t hinder your performance. You can adopt different strategies to cope with the nervousness.

  • Maintain a positive mindset. Believe in your abilities and remind yourself of the times you’ve successfully accomplished challenging tasks.
  • Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation. These can help reduce stress and increase mental clarity.
  • Seek support from mentors, peers, or family members. Sharing your concerns can help you feel more confident and reassured.

At ASC, we aim to create a supportive and nurturing environment that helps students manage their apprehensions. Our online lessons facilitate a vibrant, creative student culture and enhance the ability to provide and receive constructive criticism, an essential part of the writing process.

Dealing with Success or Failure

Regardless of the outcome, participating in a writing competition is a valuable learning experience. It’s essential to handle both success and failure gracefully.

  • If you win, it’s a testament to your hard work, creativity, and writing skill. Use this accomplishment as motivation to continue improving and further developing your writing skill.
  • If you don’t win, don’t be disheartened. Use it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Seek constructive feedback and work on the areas of improvement.

Remember, the purpose of entering a writing competition is not solely to win but to push your creative boundaries, hone your writing skills, and gain experience. ASC adopts a comprehensive and nurturing approach that enables students to deal with both success and failure constructively. Our focus is not on winning alone, but on the overall development and enrichment of the student’s writing abilities and confidence.


In conclusion, Writing Competition Classes provide a dynamic educational enrichment platform that fosters academic success. They cultivate and refine a student’s critical thinking skills and writing prowess, enabling them to stand out in the competitive academic arena. These courses not only enhance students’ creative and intellectual growth but also instill valuable life skills, making them a significant part of the students’ academic journey. The journey may be demanding, the challenges may be tough, but the thrill of writing, the joy of self-expression, and the pride in representing one’s unique voice make it an adventure worth undertaking. Remember, every great writer was once a student, learning, exploring, and honing their skills, just like you. Start your journey with ASC Writing Competition Classes today, and let your words lead you to your dreams.