This is a very critical skill for our ISEE/SSAT test prep students to be ready to successfully apply to their dream private school.
We can not overstate how important it is to have the writing skills to emphasize why your child should be accepted over other equally qualified students. After all the time and effort you and your student have put into preparing for applying to private schools, don’t leave this to chances. Opportunity and success goes to those who have prepared.
Write Essays That Stand Out
Give your student the best chance to earn admissions to their dream schools! ASC has selected the most frequently asked essay questions from the top 10 private schools in Massachusetts.
Our teacher will coach students to find their own voice and create essays that will stand out from all others and showcase their passion, curiosity, impact, and character.

Essay Writing Fees and Schedules
Classes are held only once every year on Saturdays in an 5-week session.
November 12, 19, December 3, 10, 17
Class times
9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Only $870
1106 Commonwealth Ave. Boston, MA 02215
Complete the application form and email it to us (aplusinfo@ascenglish.com) or mail to us. We will get in touch with you within 2 business day.
Questions? Call 617-730-3705, 617-451-8988 or e-mail aplusinfo@aplusprogram.com