
Skills Needed for Effective Public Speaking in College & Career

By Scott Fish on 11 September 23 Blog
public speaking for kids

Public speaking is a vital skill that high school students can develop to excel in their academic and career paths. It involves much more than just speaking to an audience; it requires a combination of several skills that work together to create a meaningful and engaging presentation. These skills include confidence, clarity, control over body language, and, amongst others, effective preparation and practice.


Confidence is the cornerstone of effective public speaking. It’s the belief in oneself and the ability to deliver a speech successfully. It is a mindset that every good public speaker possesses, and it’s something that can be developed with time and practice.

Exuding confidence during a speech helps to build credibility with an audience. When a speaker is confident, the audience can feel it, which invites trust and generates interest in the message being conveyed. Confidence also helps public speakers handle the normal nervousness that comes with standing in front of an audience. Even the most experienced speakers experience nervousness, but their confidence allows them to manage this anxiety and deliver compelling speeches.

Building confidence involves stepping out of your comfort zone and tackling the fear of public speaking head-on. One effective strategy is joining school clubs or groups that encourage public speaking. Regular participation in schools’ extracurricular activities like student council and debate teams can gradually raise a student’s confidence in public speaking.


Clarity in public speaking means being able to convey your message in a straightforward and understandable manner. It involves the ability to organize information effectively and present it in a way that the audience can grasp easily.

Achieving clarity in public speaking begins with understanding your audience and tailoring your message to suit their needs. Knowing your audience allows you to use language and concepts that they can relate to, making your speech more impactful. Clarity also involves the organization of speech content. A well-structured speech with clear introductions, arguments, and conclusions is much easier for the audience to follow.

In addition, clarity extends to verbal communication, including the choice of words, voice modulation, and pacing. Public speakers should practice controlling their voice and breath to ensure that their speech is clear and audible. This involves avoiding the use of technical jargon, speaking at a reasonable pace, and ensuring that sounds, words, and sentences are pronounced clearly and correctly.

Control over Body Language

Effective control over body language is crucial in public speaking. Body language provides significant non-verbal cues that can reinforce or undermine the speaker’s message. Thus, learning to control body language can significantly enhance a speaker’s public speaking abilities.

Maintaining open and engaging body language during a speech helps the speaker connect with the audience. This includes maintaining eye contact, using purposeful hand gestures, and displaying confident body postures. Conversely, poor body language, such as crossed arms, lack of eye contact, or nervous fidgeting, can be distracting and may indicate a lack of confidence or preparedness.

Learning to control body language takes practice and self-awareness. Public speakers should observe other successful speakers and note their techniques, especially how they use body language to emphasize their message. Speakers can also record their presentation for self-assessment and seek constructive feedback to improve their body language.

Preparation and Practice

Preparation and practice are perhaps the most crucial components of effective public speaking. The more a person prepares and practices their speech, the better they become at public speaking.

Preparation involves researching the topic, understanding the audience, developing the key messages, and organizing the speech content. All these aid in the delivery of a well-structured and impactful speech. Practice, on the other hand, enables speakers to familiarize themselves with their material, improve their speech delivery, and reduce their anxiety.

Public speaking skills can be significantly improved with regular practice. In fact, all the previously mentioned skills—confidence, clarity, and control over body language—are fortified when a person takes time to prepare and practice their speech diligently. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced speaker, a commitment to consistent preparation and practice will set you up for success in public speaking.


Activities to Improve Public Speaking Skills

Participation in Public Speaking Clubs

Joining clubs with a focus on public speaking can provide an incredibly beneficial platform for high school students aiming to enhance their skills. Organizations like debating clubs, theater groups, and student councils offer a supportive environment where students can regularly practice speaking in front of others. These clubs often simulate real-life situations, presenting opportunities for students to tackle nerves and develop both their confidence and public speaking competence. As students progress through these clubs, they gain valuable experience responding to spontaneous situations, building strong arguments, and delivering impactful speeches. As a result, public speaking clubs foster the development of powerful communication skills, equipping students to handle future college interviews, job presentations, and leadership roles with confidence.

At A+ Program, students have access to a variety of extracurricular activities designed to nurture their speaking abilities and build confidence in their communication skills.

Debating Techniques

Debating, at its core, is a demonstration of effective public speaking. By actively participating in debates, students learn to articulate their thoughts clearly, reason logically, and present persuasive arguments. Debating also encourages quick thinking and sharpens listening skills as students must understand and, at times, contradict their opponent’s standpoint. Moreover, it exposes students to various perspectives on a single issue, promoting empathy and broadening their worldview.

High school students should consider engaging in both formal debates, such as those overseen by a debate club, and informal debates that might occur in class discussions or with peers. Both scenarios offer valuable opportunities to practice and improve their public speaking skills.

In our debate classes at A+ Program, we provide the ideal platform for students to learn, master, and apply debating techniques.

Mock Public Speaking Sessions

Mock public speaking sessions are another fantastic avenue for high school students to enhance their public speaking abilities. In these sessions, students can practice delivering speeches or presentations to a group, replicating real-life public speaking scenarios without the associated high-stakes pressure.

These mock sessions allow students to receive immediate feedback and constructive criticism from their peers and educators. They also provide an opportunity to observe others, offering students a chance to learn from others’ speaking techniques, and apply those techniques to their own speeches. Furthermore, taking part in these mock sessions reinforces the importance of adequate preparation and rehearsal, underscoring the fact that successful public speaking is rarely impromptu but typically the result of careful planning and practice.

Regular Practice of Speech Delivery

Arguably, the most effective method of honing public speaking abilities is through consistent and regular practice. The old saying, “practice makes perfect,” holds true, particularly when improving public speaking skills. Regular practice helps students overcome their initial apprehension and gradually builds their confidence.

By frequently practicing speech delivery, students become familiar with their speaking style, understand how to modulate their voice for various effects, and learn to control their body language. It also allows them to work on individual areas of improvement, such as eliminating filler words, maintaining steady eye contact, or using effective hand gestures.

We at A+ Program believe that the key to exceptional public speaking lies in a student’s willingness to practice. Hence, our public speaking classes for kids and speech classes for high school students allow students ample opportunities to practice and perfect their speech delivery.