Preparing for the SAT doesn’t need to be a stressful experience—for your child or for you. Proven methods for training students in how to succeed on this important test can help ensure great results that reflect your child’s ability and potential, and can help your child get into the great school they’ve always dreamed of attending.
Want to know how you can best prepare your child for the SAT? Here’s an overview of how the testing process works, what colleges look for, and how to go about preparing for the test to ensure great results.
The SAT comprises two sections: one for mathematics and one for reading and writing. Each section is scored separately, but the combined score is often what colleges look at when determining whether to admit a student.
For the best chances of entry to great schools in America, it’s important that students who take the SAT get a high score. For example, for the class of Harvard students who are expected to graduate in 2020 (and who took the old version of the SAT), The Harvard Crimson reports members had an average overall score of 2,234.6—over 700 points higher than the overall mean score of 1,500. Other Ivy League institutions and top universities around the country also mostly admitted students with similarly high average SAT scores.
At top schools like Harvard, good SAT scores are essential for admission
While the scoring for the new SAT test has changed, with the highest achievable score now being 1,600, instead of the 2,400 of years past, there is every reason to expect the best schools in the country to continue admitting only the students who achieve great scores on their SAT. For those scholars who are determined to achieve a great score on the test, taking care to do a lot of test preparation is important.
In 2016, the format of the SAT changed in a number of important ways. For example, the vocabulary section, which used to test a student’s knowledge of difficult and uncommon words, now tests knowledge of words that are likely to be used in college studies. The math component has also changed its focus, now evaluating students mainly on their ability to correctly solve linear equations; complex equations or functions; and ratios, percentages, and proportional reasoning. These and other changes mean that it is important for ambitious students to seek an updated approach to SAT preparation in order to ensure greater odds of success.
One great option to explore is to enroll your child in the A+ SAT preparation courses. The courses have been designed specifically with the new SAT format in mind, and will help scholars learn frequently-tested SAT words and master complex math problems similar to the ones that will be on the exam.
The results for enrollees at both our Commonwealth Avenue and Chinatown locations have been excellent. In both locations, the top 25 per cent of scholars who enrolled in the April session of our SAT courses enjoyed a score growth of 269 points—232 points above the national average. The top 10 per cent saw even greater growth of 445 points, or 408 points above the national average. By the end of the training, you can expect that your child will make great improvements in their capabilities as well, and be much better prepared to get the score they want on the SAT.
The A+ SAT preparation course is perfect for preparing for the updated test your child will take
As an added bonus, the courses will also allow your scholar to make improvements to their overall study and time management strategies, promoting great results both on the SAT and also in the rest of their academic career. For lasting, significant improvement to your child’s ability to find success, enrolling in the SAT courses is a wonderful idea.
Are you looking at SAT prep summer programs for your child?
Contact ASC A+ program to learn more!