
Mastering the Art of College Application Essays For High School Students

By Scott Fish on 3 October 23 Blog

The college application essay serves as a cornerstone of your admission process, acting as a personal introduction to admissions committees. In an era where many institutions adopt “test-blind” policies, ignoring SAT and ACT scores, the significance of the college application essay heightens. It offers a unique platform for candidates to express their identity and potential, transcending mere numerical data like grades or scores.

Purpose of the College Application Essay

Primarily, the college application essay is your opportunity to communicate directly with the admissions committee, an advantage that other application components lack. This direct communication allows you to depict your unique perspective, demonstrating how you think critically and creatively. Admission officers look for students who can contribute to the academic community in significant ways, and a well-rounded essay can illustrate your potential for such a contribution. Remember, this essay should not merely be an extended resume; instead, it’s an opportunity to delve into your motivations, aspirations, and the unique attributes you’ll bring to the college.

Impact on Your College Admission

A well-crafted and thoughtful essay can dramatically impact your college admission outcome. It provides the admission committee with insights beyond academic achievements, giving them a glimpse into your life experiences, personal growth, and the values you uphold. The essay can, therefore, tip the scales in your favor for borderline cases or even make you stand out in a large pool of qualified applicants. If done right, it can elucidate your passion for the chosen subject and underscore your potential contribution to the college’s academic community.

Differentiating Yourself from Other Applicants

Despite the importance of good grades and test scores, they are not the sole determiners of admission. Since many applicants can present similar academic qualifications, the essay serves as a differentiator. It allows you to showcase your unique perspective, experiences, and personal growth, setting you apart from others. It’s about sharing your story in your voice, forming an emotional connection with the admission officers. In essence, it’s about authenticity and originality.

In this context, exploring new perspectives on a talked-about issue or discussing a less conventional topic could help your essay shine. However, remember to keep the essay content relevant and meaningful for you. For more guidance on choosing the right topic, refer to our page on Getting Started with Your College Application Essay.

Showcasing Your Skills and Achievements

Beyond offering personal insights, your application essay is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your writing skills. A carefully crafted, well-articulated essay indicates your ability to communicate effectively – a vital skill for college success. It’s your chance to employ storytelling as a tool to share your experiences and self-growth, connecting these personal narratives with your academic and career goals.

Moreover, it can also showcase particular achievements or experiences that couldn’t be accommodated in other sections of your application. Be it a significant community service project, an insightful travel experience, or a life-changing book you’ve read – the essay is your space to spotlight these unique experiences. For a deeper delve into showcasing skills and achievements, consider registering for our Writing Workshops.

In summation, understanding the importance of your college application essay forms the first step in crafting an effective and impactful piece. It’s about viewing the essay not as an additional burden but as an opportunity to highlight your unique individuality and potential. Remember, it’s this uniqueness and earnest ambition that help you stand out, guiding you on your path to academic success.

Getting Started with Your College Application Essay

Perfecting your college application essay is often a pivotal first step towards academic success. This educational enrichment experience begins by choosing the right topic and understanding the essay prompt, followed by diligent research and brainstorming, ultimately culminating in the creation of a well-structured essay outline.

Choosing the Right Topic

A carefully chosen topic can set the stage for a compelling application essay. Aim to select a subject that reflects your individuality and aligns with your academic and personal experiences. Be it a significant life event or a distinct trait you possess, the chosen topic should offer a unique perspective to the college admissions officer.

  • Reflect on your past experiences to extract a relevant and engaging topic.
  • Avoid common themes; strive to stand out from other applicants.
  • The topic should highlight your critical thinking skills and intellectual curiosity.

By choosing a topic that reflects your academic journey, you will be well on your way to crafting a persuasive essay.

Understanding the Essay Prompt

Interpreting the essay prompt correctly is a critical aspect of crafting an impressive college application essay.

  • Begin by reading the prompt thoroughly, ensuring you understand the question or theme.
  • Highlight keywords and phrases for easy reference as you develop your essay.
  • Jot down initial ideas or thoughts that come to mind.

Understanding the prompt ensures you stay on the right track during your academic journey, crafting an essay that adheres to the guidelines and resonates with the admissions officer.

Research and Brainstorming

Once you understand the prompt and have an initial idea of your topic, the next step is conducting in-depth research and brainstorming.

  • Use reliable sources for research, ensuring your essay is grounded in fact.
  • Conducting research also provides insights and perspective that can enrich your essay.
  • After research, brainstorm your refined thoughts, weaving a story that showcases your experiences and personal growth.

This approach allows you to infuse your essay with rich details and personal anecdotes that emphasize your educational enrichment and academic prowess.

Creating an Essay Outline

Creating an effective essay outline provides a framework for your writing and helps maintain clarity and structure.

  • Start by outlining your introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Detail each section with main points and supporting facts or examples.
  • Remember to include a strong thesis statement in your outline that succinctly reflects your argument or story.

With these guidelines in mind, understanding how to write the best college application essay becomes a more manageable task. Remember, this essay is your opportunity to showcase your unique story and critical thinking skills on your journey towards academic excellence. Explore our Senior Math Classes today and elevate your learning experience with ASC—a beacon of educational excellence.


In this educational journey, crafting an impactful college application essay stands as a paramount task and milestone. This essay encapsulates your academic prowess, provides a mirror into your personality, and displays your unique life experiences. It serves as a potent tool differentiating you from other applicants and acts as a sounding board of your critical thinking skills and educational enrichment. However daunting it may seem, view it as a platform to narrate your authentic story, showcase your achievements, and underline your vibrant potential. Engage in this process with diligent preparation, profound reflection, and earnest ambition, and you will craft an essay that illuminates your unique individuality, resonating with the admissions committees. Harness this opportunity judiciously, and open the doors to academic success.

Revising and Polishing the College Application Essay

The process of crafting your college application essay does not end with the final period. It’s just as crucial to meticulously revise and polish your work to ensure it’s the best it can be. Remember, how to write the best college application essay lies not only in a strong narrative but also in meticulous editing.

Proofreading Your Essay

Proofreading your essay is an essential step in the revision process. During proofreading, you should:

  • Correct spelling and grammatical errors: Even the most well-crafted essay can be marred by typos or grammar mistakes. No amount of profound insights or compelling narratives can compensate for sloppy editing. Use editing tools like Grammarly or Hemingway Editor and read your essay out loud to catch awkward phrasing or run-on sentences.
  • Ensure your essay adheres to the word limit: Most colleges have strict word limits which you must respect. If your essay exceeds the stated limit, you will need to be ruthless with your editing, cutting any superfluous words or phrases. As famed writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery once said, “Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”
  • Check for consistency of tone and style: Your essay should speak with one consistent voice — your own. Ensure that your tone remains the same throughout the essay. Avoid switching between formal and informal language.

By devoting time to meticulous proofreading, you ensure that the quality of your writing matches the strength of your content. Remember, a shiny car with a strong engine wins the race!

Getting Feedback from Others

Having other people read your essay can provide invaluable feedback. While it’s crucial that your essay remains fundamentally your own work, fresh eyes can often pick up on oversights or unclear sections that you may have missed. When sharing your essay:

  • Choose people whose opinions you trust: This could be a trusted teacher, a tutor, or adult family member.
  • Be open to criticism: Not all feedback will be positive. Be prepared to accept constructive criticism and use it to further enhance your essay.
  • Consider the reader’s perspective: Your readers should be able to follow your narrative easily and understand the points you are making. If they don’t, you may need to clarify or expand on certain sections.

Making Necessary Corrections

You’ve proofread your essay and collected feedback. Now it’s time to make the necessary corrections. This is your chance to tighten your prose, clarify your thoughts, and really ensure your personality shines through. Here are a few techniques to consider:

  • Ruthlessly cut unnecessary content: As William Strunk Jr., author of Elements of Style, instructs, “Omit needless words.”
  • Replace clichés with original thoughts: Clichés can make your essay sound unoriginal. Challenge yourself to replace them with your own unique thoughts or experiences.
  • Ensure your essay aligns with the rest of your application: Your essay should complement, not repeat, the information in your application. Make sure there’s no contradiction between what you’ve written in your essay and what appears elsewhere in your application.

Stay patient and remember, this stage of corrections and revisions is your opportunity to transform a good essay into a great one.

Final review before submission

Finally, give your essay one last thorough review before you hit ‘submit’. Here’s where you ensure every ‘i’ is dotted and every ‘t’ is crossed:

  • Look for any lingering spelling or grammar mistakes: Yes, again. It’s surprising what you might catch on the last read-through.
  • Check that your essay answers the prompt: It’s easy, in the process of writing, to stray from the original question. Be sure that your final draft thoroughly and appropriately responds to the prompt.
  • Check your formatting: Ensure your essay meets any specified formatting requirements, such as required fonts, line spacing, or heading structure.

By following these steps, spending time carefully revising and polishing your college application essay, you can increase your confidence in the quality and effectiveness of your final product. Stand back, admire your work, and know that you’ve put your best foot forward in the journey toward college admission.

You have taken one significant step closer in learning how to write the best college application essay and can feel assured that your essay serves as a true reflection of your academic journey and potential. Now, you can comfortably move forward to the next step, submitting that application. You’ve got this!

Avoiding clichés and jargon

Being genuine and authentic is a critical element in how to write the best college application essay. While it can be tempting to utilize connotations connected with success, such as perseverance, leadership, and teamwork, these words often lose their impact due to overuse. Redundant clichés and jargon can dilute the authenticity of your narrative and make it less interesting for the admissions officer to read. The ability to convey your story in unique words demonstrates spontaneity, creativity, and originality – qualities revered by higher learning institutions.

Be Original, Be Yourself

Fluff and jargon are usually the product of an applicant’s attempt to sound more polished or intellectual. But, authenticity is far more valuable. Colleges want to hear your voice and your unique perspective. By choosing to be sincere and original in your writing, you will organically distinguish yourself from other applicants. Your life experiences, no matter how small or mundane they seem, can be narrated in a way that reveals profound insights and growth. Share those real stories. They resonate more with the reader and create a lasting impression.

Speak in Your Own Voice

Avoiding jargon doesn’t only mean eliminating clichés and overused phrases; it’s also about refraining from using advanced vocabulary just to give the impression of being scholarly. Use language that is natural and comfortable to you. Your essay should sound like a refined version of the way you ordinarily speak. This authenticity will set a tone for your essay that will engage the reader far more than sophisticated lingo and jargon.

Staying away from controversial topics

In the pursuit of creating a unique and impactful essay, some students might venture into discussing contentious issues. While it’s admirable to show awareness and the ability to engage in heavyweight discussions, it’s wiser to steer clear of controversial subjects in your essay. However, if a controversial subject has had a significant impact on your life, you should approach it delicately and respectfully, avoiding polarization and demonstrating your capacity for open-mindedness and understanding.

Be Cautious of Sensitive Topics

Certain subjects, such as politics, religion, and personal tragedies, are inherently sensitive and can elicit strong emotions. They are also areas where people often have fervent, deep-seated beliefs. If handled poorly, you run the risk of alienating the reader who may not share your perspective. Your aim should be to unify your audience around your story and experiences, not divide them based on their beliefs.

Show Respect and Open-Mindedness

If you unavoidably have to tackle a sensitive subject, do so with the utmost respect and demonstrate your understanding of its complexities. Always express your perspective in a way that respects alternative views. By doing so, you show that you are capable of thoughtful discourse and willing to consider different perspectives – critical skills prized in any educational setting.

Avoiding negativity

The college application essay is your opportunity to put your best foot forward. Lingering on negative experiences or pointing fingers at others can give the impression of a pessimistic or resentful attitude. This negativity can detract from the positive aspects of your application and may leave an unfavorable impression.

Focus on Personal Growth

Instead of dwelling on negative experiences, frame them in a way that highlights your personal growth and how they have contributed to the person you are today. If you experienced a failure, discuss it in the context of what you learned and how it motivated you to improve. This not only helps you present a more positive image but also demonstrates resilience and the ability to learn from your experiences.

Constructive Outlook

Choose your words carefully to ensure they convey a constructive outlook rather than a negative one. For instance, instead of criticizing a past teacher, discuss how the experience made you appreciate good teaching and inspired a desire for self-learning.

Staying true to yourself

An essential part of learning how to write the best college application essay is to stay true to yourself. Colleges are interested in understanding who you are as an individual, your personal journey, and the experiences that have shaped you.

Authenticity over Pretense

Although it’s tempting to present yourself as the ‘ideal student,’ admissions officers appreciate authenticity over pretense. It’s crucial to remain honest about your experiences, interests, and aspirations. Resist the urge to exaggerate or fabricate stories to make your life seem more impressive or interesting.

Celebrate Your Journey

Every student has a unique journey with victories, defeats, mundane moments, and extraordinary ones. Celebrate your journey and the person you’ve become. Let your maturity, self-awareness, and character shine through in your college application essay.

The key to a standout college application essay lies in reflecting on your experiences, distilling those insights, and presenting them in a well-structured narrative. Applying these tips while staying true to yourself can help craft a powerful narrative and assist on your academic journey. Remember, it’s your story, so tell it your way.

Example of a Successful College Application Essay

Unquestionably, writing a powerful, captivating college application essay aligns itself with your efforts on how to write the best college application essay. A well-written essay provides insights into your personality, your perspective on life, and the experiences that have molded you. By examining a successful sample essay, you can garner insights on its effective elements, appreciating the structure and flow, understanding the presentation method, and learning from mistakes to avoid.

Analyzing the Effective Elements

A brilliant college application essay distinctively features numerous effective elements, each one playing a pivotal role in creating an impression on the admissions officer.

  • Engaging Opener: An arresting start not only instantly catches the reader’s attention but also sets the tone for the rest of the essay. The opening sentence should ideally be a personal anecdote or an interesting fact that reveals something significant about you.
  • Authenticity: Being true to oneself and showcasing your unique perspective are vital. Readers appreciate genuine content filled with personal stories and reflections rather than hollow claims.
  • Demonstration of Growth: Your essay should convey how your experiences have contributed to your personal and academic growth, guiding you towards your chosen field of study.
  • Writing Style: An articulate writing style, void of jargons, makes the essay enjoyable and easy to comprehend. Ensuring grammatical precision validates your language proficiency and attention to detail.

Understanding the Structure and Flow

Much like a captivating saga, a successful college application essay maintains a coherent structure and seamless flow. It follows the classic essay structure comprising an introduction, body, and conclusion.

  • Introduction: A compelling introduction is key, ideally beginning with an absorbing anecdote or a thoughtful question. Furthermore, it should introduce your essay’s theme while captivating the reader.
  • Body: This section elaborates on the theme introduced, weaving your experiences, realizations and growth together. Transition between paragraphs should be smooth, each paragraph a stepping stone leading to the next, maintaining the interest and curiosity of the reader.
  • Conclusion: The conclusion should concisely wrap up the discussion, reflecting upon the journey you portrayed in your essay. It should leave the reader with something significant to contemplate, reinforcing your essay’s theme.

Discussing the Way of Presentation

The method of presenting your thoughts is crucial. Several tools are at your disposal, each capable of enhancing your essay’s appeal when applied effectively.

  • Narrative Style: A storytelling style engages the reader, painting vivid pictures in their mind. When you narrate your experiences and lessons, it becomes personal and relatable.
  • Show, Don’t Tell: Instead of merely stating facts, demonstrating them through examples is more impactful. Showcasing your qualities and realizations through concrete examples increases credibility.
  • Active Voice: Using active voice lends a direct, confident tone to your writing, making it more engaging and assertive.

Learning from the Mistakes to Avoid

Understanding common essay writing mistakes is as valuable as comprehending effective strategies.

  • Clichés – Overused phrases and clichés dilute the uniqueness of your essay, making it mundane.
  • Being Vague – Details and specifics breathe life into your essay. Avoid generalities, and instead, delve into particulars.
  • Losing Focus – Stick to the given prompt and ensure that your essay revolves around a central theme. Digressions dilute the main idea, leaving the reader confused.
  • Ignoring Proofreading – Spelling and grammatical errors reflect poorly on your diligence and professionalism. Always proofread your essay, multiple times if necessary. Consider seeking expert guidance, like the writing programs for elementary offered by A Plus Program.

Reviewing a successful college application essay provides enriching insights to help you craft your masterpiece. Remember, your essay is a reflection of your journey, your aspirations, and your persona. Keep it personal, authentic, and engaging. Happy writing!

Final thoughts on writing the best College Application Essay

Importance of practice

Writing, like any other skill, improves with practice. It’s essential for an aspiring college student to understand that writing the perfect college application essay will require multiple attempts. The initial draft may not successfully capture one’s personality, experiences, and aspirations. However, with each subsequent revision, you can refine your approach and improve your expression. Aim to show rather than tell your experiences while ensuring your essay aligns with your application’s overall theme.

Remember, the how to write the best college application essay process is challenging, but it unveils your academic potential, maturity, and adaptability to the college’s rigorous environment. Thus, approaching the endeavor with persistence and treating each attempt as a learning experience will bolster your essay-writing skills and, by extension, your college readiness.

Staying resilient in the face of rejection

Projected college acceptances and rejections are not always accurate—everyone faces obstacles and sometimes, even the best-prepared, most impressive college application essays don’t earn instant acceptance. It’s important to weather this part of your academic journey with grace and resilience. A rejection doesn’t reflect your worth or potential—it’s merely an individual institution’s decision. Maintain a positive outlook, continue crafting your skills, and seek enlightening opportunities such as public speaking classes near me to enhance your profile.

Patience and perseverance

Patience and perseverance are critical traits in this journey. Writing the best college application essay doesn’t happen overnight. You’ll need to dedicate considerable time and energy to create an essay that articulates your individuality and leaves a compelling impression on admission officers. This involves brainstorming, drafting, revising, and receiving feedback, followed by more revisions—indeed a process that tests your patience and perseverance. Make the best of this process—let it chart your growth and readiness to take on future academic challenges such as senior math classes.

Believe in your abilities

Finally, your belief in your capabilities is paramount during this journey. If you have chosen a subject close to your heart, poured genuine thoughts into your essay, and differentiated yourself from other applicants, have faith in your efforts. While you aspire to attend specific colleges, remember there are numerous pathways to success. So, maintain a positive and flexible outlook. Perhaps try exploring alternate avenues to develop your skills—sat class or a toefl classes near me could be beneficial. Always remember, your self-worth is not defined by college acceptance or rejection.