How Summer Advanced Learning Programs Can Help Build Students’ Critical Thinking Skills

By APlus on 16 April 19 Blog

Critical thinking skills are important to succeeding in almost every domain, from math to science to English literature. They’re essential for conducting research, as they allow students to evaluate and synthesize varied sources of information, and for writing essays, as they help students clearly organize and express their thoughts. This means that by sharpening these…

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Benefits of Attending Summer School in Boston for AP High School Students

By APlus on 22 June 18 Blog,News

For ambitious high school students, taking advanced placement (AP) courses can be the key to getting accepted into a top college, and to preparing both mentally and academically for a challenging university-level curriculum. Summer classes can help high school students by giving them a head start on their studies, or the extra practice necessary to…

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How Kids Become Great Communicators through Summer Enrichment Programs for Writing

By APlus on 7 July 17 Blog

Being able to communicate well can open many doors. It allows a person to share their ideas clearly and powerfully, to enjoy increased feelings of confidence, and much more. The development of communication skills should therefore be a high priority for many kids and teens as they progress through school. To enhance your child’s communication…

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Get the School Year Off to a Great Start with Summer Academic Enrichment Programs

By APlus on 12 May 17 Blog

Do you want to make sure your child is ready to take on the new school year in the fall? Enrolling them in a summer enrichment program that is both challenging and fun may be just the ticket! A program like A+ can help them stay focused and disciplined, while preparing them for the new…

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