A +的學生在全國範圍內ISEE考試成績排名前10%,超過90%的學生被波士頓拉丁學校及其他頂級私立學校錄取。

我們訓練有素並經驗豐富的ISEE和SSAT教師教授學生如何應用高效的考試策略提高考試成績。老師將在課堂上讓學生集中精力學習考試技巧,通過教學材料和真題模擬訓練,學生能不斷提高他們對重點考試概念和答題技巧的掌握。在A + ISEE、SSAT高分考試準備課程的整體經驗讓每一位學生大大增強他們爭當top10學生的信心!

A +用心做到:

  • 針對ISEE和SSAT考試的每個考試部分跟學生系統復習相關的重點學科內容。
  • 不斷訓練回答選擇題的考試策略 –這些策略都是經過驗證可以大大提高考試分數的!
  • 指導和訓練如何在閱讀時根據上下文推找單詞含義的最佳方法。
  • 演示如何在只有部分知識的情況下正確地回答問題。
  • 教授如何在有限的時間下快速地回答問題。

“A +教會了我很多新的東西,教給我ISEE應試技巧。為我考試增添了信心,為我美好的未來做好準備。”Serena Cai (Woodward School, Grade 8).

ASC致力於為學生提供一個具有支持性的、挑戰性、和激勵的環境來提高自己的ISEE/SSAT成績!今天就報名Lower Level ISEE, Middle Level ISEE, Upper Level ISEE或Upper Level SSAT高分準備班!


每期8周, 週六上课
第一期 9/9-10/28
第二期 11/11-1/20
第三期 2/3-3/23
第四期 4/6-5/25
中階ISEE班 (5-6年級) 9:00 am-12:00 pm
Boston Latin考試班 (5-6年級) 9:00 am-12:00 pm
高階ISEE/SSAT班 (7-8年級) 1:00 – 4:00 pm
Boston Latin考試班 (7-8年級) 1:00 -4:00 pm
中階ISEE班 (5-6年級) $580/8周,教材$60; $1160/16周,教材$120
高階ISEE/SSAT班 (7-8年級) $610/8周,教材$60; $1220/16周,教材$120

65 Harrison Ave., FL 6. Boston, MA 02111
1106 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, MA 02215


  • 即日起開始預約報名,請將$50訂金及報名表一並以郵件(aplusinfo@ascenglish.com)或信件方式繳回,以確定名額。
  • 新生另加報名費$30,五人以上同时報名免報名費
  • 書本費不包括在學費里
Monica Depina and Erma Pinto (Parents of students from Middle ISEE class)
“The program has helped our daughters so much in preparing them for the Middle ISEE test. The teachers are attentive…
“The program has helped our daughters so much in preparing them for the Middle ISEE test. The teachers are attentive and experienced in teaching test prep. Our kids have made major improvements on their tests. The material learned in class is also helping our kids at school! All the staff members are friendly and really View Full →
Tancrede R
“I love writing so much, and I don’t want to miss a class at A+!” Tancrede R., 4th Grade
“I love writing so much, and I don’t want to miss a class at A+!” Tancrede R., 4th Grade
Mrs. Peng
“我們很驚喜地發現,Elan 已經被A+訓練成小作家了! 我們都非常詫異她可以用那麽生動的詞彙和清晰的結構去組織文章!” Mrs. Peng
“我們很驚喜地發現,Elan 已經被A+訓練成小作家了! 我們都非常詫異她可以用那麽生動的詞彙和清晰的結構去組織文章!” Mrs. Peng
Tancrede Roy
“我好愛寫作,我不想錯過在A+的每一節課!” Tancrede Roy
“我好愛寫作,我不想錯過在A+的每一節課!” Tancrede Roy
“I am a parent of two high school students. Both of children come to A+ Summer Programs for many years.…
“I am a parent of two high school students. Both of children come to A+ Summer Programs for many years. The reason they want to come back again and again is because the teachers here are very knowledgeable in their subject areas and also they know how to communicate with kids in a way so View Full →