October 2017

How Students in Intensive SAT Classes Can Boost Scores at Exam Crunch-Time

By APlus on 20 October 17 Blog

There is no denying the importance of the SAT when it comes to college applications, and so it is understandable that students and parents may get a little bit stressed as exam time approaches. Weeks or months of reviewing material often lead to last-minute studying meant to cram every bit of information possible into a…

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Effective Homework Strategies to Use in English & Math Enrichment Programs

By APlus on 6 October 17 Blog

For their ability to help students improve their grades and grow in confidence, enrichment programs for English and math are a great investment in your child’s future. While they do involve adding extra exercises and homework onto an existing workload at school, good homework strategies can make this easy to handle. Curious about what kinds…

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